Mom’s Blog

Life with Special Needs

April 8, 2019

SO, what a weekend. We went on a family day at camp “Camp for All” it was fabulous. Lots of volunteers from Texas A & M plus the regular staff. Note! We went to the indoor Ropes course. Paul decided he could do it. So, step one was great. he thought about step 2 and said there was no way!! I had no problem with that. Our issue was getting him down! 35 minutes later he finally came down in tandem with one of the staff.. Lesson camp is great, special needs camp is fabulous, but don’t expect miracles!

THe boys at 1 1/2 with their first “ties”

SO no one plans to have a special needs child much less two of them. Now that the boys are older there are so many things to consider. It really makes the early years almost seem easy. Almost!! I am writing this blog for all those parents and gardians out there who feel alone. Sometimes we need to laugh, someitmes we need to cry and honestly sometimes we need to scream. Welcome to my world and I hope you enjoy the trip!

April 18, 2019

Happy Holy Week! Today is the boys last day at school this week. Big brother Michael will be home tonight for the long weekend and the Easter bunny will be here soon too. The boys though 19 still can be 6/7 then 19 all in the span of an hour. We have posted new bow ties and finally have novelty ties in. Alex loved them and is wearing one to school today. As a matter of fact both boys wore suit coats and ties to school today.